Saturday, September 1, 2018

I Wore Lipstick

I Wore Lipstick is a C3 nonprofit devoted to raising equality awareness and creating opportunity for lipstick wearers. When you look at the lipstick wearing community, you see a diverse population that extends around the world and has been existed through the history of modern civilization. This same community is often made up of the marginalized humans of our civilization, whether it be women or the LGBTQ. So often when one section of the community is trailblazing, it can eclipse the movement of another. I Wore Lipstick is focused of advocating for all lipstick wearers 100% of the time.

In Los Angeles I Wore Lipstick supports organizations like "The Covenant House" and the Trans Employment Empowerment Program at the LGBT Center. Follow us on social media @iworelipstick or make a donation at

Special thank you to our sibling corporation ADVEKET cosmetics @adveket for not only supporting our mission from the ground up, but also for donating $1 per item sold to I Wore Lipstick

Both companies are created and owned by Justin Tyme Mayfield
Youtube channel Make- up your mind TV @makeupyourmindtv

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